Solida School of the Bible

"But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned..." I Timothy 3:14
The Solida School of the Bible is a two year program designed to help you learn God's Word, and continue daily in It.
Upon successful completion you will have a deeper knowledge of God's Word, and will graduate with a Bible certificate from the Crown College in Powell, TN.
2024 Fall Semester
SB402 – The New Testament Church
A study of the first-century church in the New Testament. Emphasis is laid on the biblical purpose of the church and on the involvement of each member of the body. Key topics are studied such as worship in the church and the prayer life of the church.
Teacher: Pastor Bruce Day
SB403 – The Life of Christ
A detailed look at the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some topics covered are Christ’s virgin birth; His teachings, miracles, and parables; His suffering and death; His resurrection and ascension. Students also learn Bible answers concerning the deity of Jesus Christ.
Teacher: Pastor Aaron Childers
SB401 – Survey of the New Testament II
A survey of the books of the New Testament (Philippians through Revelation). The main theme of each book is highlighted along with other significant features including key words, key verses, and pictures of Christ.
Teacher: Bro. Luke Mikolowski
Join Us This Semester
Each class is only $25 for the semester. You can register for just one or take all three.
Frequently Asked Questions
Join Us
Online Services
Sun 10:30 am, 6:30 pm, & Wed 7:00 pm
9:30 am, 10:30 am, & 6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Contact Us
64 Private Drive 2114
South Point, OH 45680
(2 Miles North of US 52 on Solida Rd)
At Solida Baptist Church the Word of God is preached and taught! You can access our sermons through either of the Facebook or YouTube links below.