Register for your Classes

Whether your schedule only allows you to take one class, or you’re able to take all three, we know these classes will help you remain rooted in the Word of God!

What Will It Cost?

Classes cost $25 each.

3 Classes at $25 per class = $75 Each Semester.

Please see the director, Pastor Bruce Day, if you have any questions.

Join Us

Online Services

Sun 10:30 am, 6:30 pm, & Wed 7:00 pm


9:30 am, 10:30 am, & 6:30 pm


7:00 pm

Contact Us


64 Private Drive 2114

South Point, OH  45680

(2 Miles North of US 52 on Solida Rd)


At Solida Baptist Church the Word of God is preached and taught! You can access our sermons through either of the Facebook or YouTube links below.