Church Camp

28th Annual Church Camp June 23 - 28
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6
Our goal for this year is that every camper and counselor will answer the call to be a Hero of Faith!
Directions to Camp Jerri
Camp Jerri is located in Lavalette, WV. Travel east on I-64, and take 5th St. Exit. Go south on Rt. 152 toward Lavalette. Go past the golf course. Turn right at Big Creek Road. Stay to the right and go up the hill. Camp Jerri is a few miles on the right.
Summer 2024 Camp Cost
Cost includes: Lodging, 15 Meals, Camp Shirt, Awards, Games, & Activities.
To pay online, please select both the "Church Camp" and "Cover Fees" options. To pay by Cash or Check please contact Solida Baptist Church.
Single Camper
2 Campers
3 Campers
4 Campers
Single Adult
Married Couple
Family Max
*Register before June 1st to get a $20 discount off of your camp cost!
Preparation Tips
Pray for God to provide good weather, a healthy camp, an open heart, & a blessed week!
Plan Ahead
Register early, and pay on time! Memorize the theme verse Hebrews 11:6. Read the rules. Make sure you are healthy.
Pack Your Bags
Follow the packing list on the information sheet, and be mindful of the camp rules. Do NOT wait until the night before to pack your bags!
Join Us
Online Services
Sun 10:30 am, 6:30 pm, & Wed 7:00 pm
9:30 am, 10:30 am, & 6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Contact Us
64 Private Drive 2114
South Point, OH 45680
(2 Miles North of US 52 on Solida Rd)
At Solida Baptist Church the Word of God is preached and taught! You can access our sermons through either of the Facebook or YouTube links below.